third entry

i’ve gotten better at markdown, but i’m not going to showcase it here.
if i did, this page would quickly turn into a tutorial, and that wouldn’t be fun to read, now would it?
apparently discord also uses markdown formatting, at least to an extent. links don’t work how they’d normally do and just render as plain text, making you look kinda stupid. then again, discord doesn’t require much formatting, does it? i’m removing the carrd link from my because it just makes sense. (for non-computer nerds, is the home page of my site.)
actually, i should explain the terms i’ve been using this entire time. markdown is just a way of making text look different, like wrapping three asterisks in a row around a bit of text will make it bold and italic. i can also make things look like code blocks. git is just a way of controlling my site, which is stored in a “repository”. vim is just a text editor, codespaces is github’s (website for hosting git repositories) cloud development environment. (no elaboration there i guess) vscode (short for visual studio code) is just a text editor for programming, it’s what i’m using now to edit this file. css is just a way to make webpages look like more than just text, it’s why my site isn’t plain as fuck (it still is, ignore this)
anyways, i should wrap this up.
with love

back up please

idk this isn't copyrighted, theme is just the docs shoutout to them